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Monday, May 30, 2011

Platonic Relationship discussion

 I am very sure every adult who reads this will know exactly what a platonic relationship is however, I know that the younger generation probably does not know what a platonic relationship is. The definition of a platonic relationship is: The tendency of women to develop close friendships with their male acquaintances, thereby pre-emptively eliminating any possibility of anything remotely romantic, the result of which is to remove the poor schmuck's heart and shred it. This is a definition I found on a website called urban dictionary, I picked this one in particular because it seemed entertaining enough for a younger person to understand. The big issue that always comes up between a guy and a girl who are friends is "can we be friends without any expectations? Without wanting to have sex?". Now, I am a woman, I have befriended guys who wanted more than a friendship but I was not into it.  In my opinion, I feel that platonic relationships are not possible. Now this is only my opinion, because I have met guys and I know the outcome. It is always the same. NO absolutely means NO. It doesn't mean yes in some kind of alternative reality...just NO. Which then forces me to be an asshole. Every guy I meet I tell them immediately I have a boyfriend, but that does not stop a man from pursuing what he wants, and no it is not a friendship because he thinks you are interesting, beautiful, or smart but because he wants that poonanni. Again this is just from my experience with men who I have met. Because even though he knows you don't want anything to do with him sexually, chasing the cat is a goal he will not give up on. In saying all of this, guys who do this, who want to be friends with women are just setting themselves up for drama. Now I am not saying this is all the guys fault because it is the girls fault also for portraying a sexy image, doin that walk that turns him on, saying those naughty things over text messages and joking around in a way that can lead to bad things. Women do these things because as Ryan Leslie said in his song Glory, "women play the victim so well, Joan Of Arc", it is like they know that they can get away with these things and make it seem like the guy is the one who started the whole thing. In the eyes of a mature woman and man maybe there is a possibility that a friendship can exist BUT in the back of one of their minds they have that secret feeling. The feeling that causes absolute trouble. Personally I do not enjoy men and women being friends if there in no understanding because the guy will be persistent and try to get some play.  I think oh no there will be no getting of the nana! I mean I guess it all depends on who is dealing with the situation.If ima have a friendship with a guy I AM GOING TO BE 100 AND TELL THEM WHAT THEY NEED TO KNOW AHEAD OF TIME. So ladies, consider a guys feelings...and guys...please do the same. PEACE N LUV!

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